Cheshire has a fantastic and colourful past; here in Middlewich we’ve been taking a look back to a time of Civil War. If anything, this is the war that defined us as a nation. Family turned on family and in the battle for control, no-one or nothing was left untouched.
Our ever enthusiastic volunteers have been snooping around piecing together the two battles of Middlewich. This is something you don’t just come across, many books and events highlight other important and strategic battles but Middlewich is rarely mentioned. But thanks to the Heritage Officer and her trusty band of volunteers, we’ve found out that Middlewich was no simple skirmish but a full blown battle. Hundreds of people lost their lives here, leaving the town damaged, livelihoods put in danger and the church was left in ruins. We’ve re-drawn the battle lines and pieced together what happened and who were the people involved.
This is our chance to put our side of the story across and bring a forgotten battle back out of the mists of time. See our story, share our finds and commemorate all those who lost their lives here, often in horrific ways. We’ve joined forces with the English Civil War Society to re-enact what Middlewich was like at the time of the Civil war in the 1640’s and the type of battle local people would have been facing.
This is a unique opportunity to come along to a free event in the heart of Cheshire, plenty of displays, activities, bangs, pikes and shouting as the battles get underway and the cannon roars to life after 373 years.
24TH AND 25TH MAY 2015
St Michael and All Angels Church, The Town Hall and Market Field are the display and activity areas, come along and find out what Civil Warfare was really like.